Prosodical Thoughts

News, announcements and thoughts from the Prosody IM team

Prosody 0.11.11 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release contains some fixes to PEP to control memory usage, along with a small batch of fixes for issues discovered since the last release. This will likely be the last release of the 0.11 branch. A summary of changes in this release: Fixes and improvements net.server_epoll: Prioritize network events over timers to improve performance under heavy load mod_pep: Add some memory usage limits mod_pep: Prevent creation of services for non-existent users mod_pep: Free resources on user deletion (needed a restart previously) Minor changes mod_pep: Free resources on reload mod_c2s: Indicate stream secure state in error text when no stream features to offer MUC: Fix logic for access to affiliation lists net.

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Prosody 0.11.10 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release primarily fixes CVE-2021-37601, a remote information disclosure vulnerability. See the previously released advisory for details. We recommend that all deployments upgrade if they have not yet applied the mitigation described in the advisory. A handful fixes for issues discovered since 0.11.9 are also included. A summary of changes in this release: Security MUC: Fix logic for access to affiliation lists CVE-2021-37601 https://prosody.

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Prosody 0.11.9 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release addresses a number of important security issues that affect most deployments of Prosody. Full details are available in a separate security advisory. We recommend that all deployments upgrade or apply the mitigations described in the advisory. Note: We have updated the default config file. Your package manager may warn you about this, and ask if you want to use the new file or keep your existing one.

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Prosody 0.11.8 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. A new release appears! This time it includes bug fixes and performance improvements! Thanks to the Jitsi folks for helping us improve websocket performance in this and the previous release. This release also fixes a security issue, where channel binding, which connects the authentication layer (i.e. SASL) with the security layer (i.e. TLS) to detect man-in-the-middle attacks, could be used on connections encrypted with TLS 1.

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Prosody 0.11.7 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This is a security release for the 0.11.x stable branch. It is strongly recommended that all users upgrade to this release, especially those whose deployments have enabled mod_websocket. As well as upgrading, we recommend all public deployments to review and configure the c2s_stanza_size_limit and s2s_stanza_size_limit options to values they are comfortable with. The value is specified in bytes, and the XMPP specification requires values to be at least 10000 bytes, however it also recommends against just setting the limit to 10000 bytes.

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Prosody 0.11.6 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release brings a collection of fixes and improvements added since the 0.11.5 release improving security, performance, usability and interoperability. This version continues the deprecation of using prosodyctl to start/stop Prosody if it is installed system-wide. You should use your init system’s appropriate commands to manage the Prosody process instead. You can silence the warnings with the ‘prosodyctl_service_warnings’ option.

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Prosody 0.11.5 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release mostly adds command line flags to force foreground or background operation, which replaces and deprecates the ‘daemonize’ option in the config file. A summary of changes in this release: Fixes and improvements prosody / mod_posix: Support for command-line flags to override ‘daemonize’ config option Minor changes mod_websocket: Clear mask bit when reflecting ping frames (fixes #1484: Websocket masks pong answer) Download As usual, download instructions for many platforms can be found on our download page

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Prosody 0.11.4 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This release contains a number of bug fixes and a couple of performance improvements. A summary of changes in this release: Fixes and improvements core.rostermanager: Improve performance by caching rosters of offline #1233 mod_pep: Handling subscriptions more efficiently #1372 Minor changes util.interpolation: Support unescaped variables with more modifiers #1452 MUC: Mark source of historic messages correctly #1416 mod_auth_internal_hashed: Pass on errors #1477 mod_mam, mod_muc_mam: Improve logging of failures #1478, #1480, #1481 mod_muc, mod_muc_mam: Reschedule message expiry in case of failure mod_mam: Add flag to session when it performs a MAM query prosodyctl check: Warn about conflict between mod_pep and mod_pep_simple prosodyctl check: Warn about conflict between mod_vcard and mod_vcard_legacy #1469 core.

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Prosody 0.11.3 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch. This is a bugfix release for the stable 0.11 branch. It is recommended for all users of 0.11.x to upgrade. Important note for those upgrading: Previous releases did not automatically expire messages from group chat (MUC) archives, so if mod_muc_mam was loaded and enabled for a MUC, archives would grow indefinitely. This is not what most deployments want, therefore automatic expiry is now implemented and enabled with a default 7 day retention.

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Prosody 0.11.2 released

by The Prosody Team. Tags: release .

We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch.

This is a minor bugfix release. It fixes a handful of small but important issues.

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Prosody is a lightweight and flexible XMPP server designed with ease-of-use and extensibility in mind.

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